Monday, December 22, 2008
I recently attended (last week of Oct. 2008) a convention in Tehran Iran titled "Confrontation in the Caucasus: Roots, Dimensions, Applications." Recent developments in the Caucasus, the geopolitical region between Europe, Asia and the Middle East, have had significant impact on the first decade of the 21st century. As one of the most culturally diverse areas of the globe, the Caucasus is a scene of confrontation for diverging interests. Of particular importance is the recent military conflict between Russia and Georgia. My presentation was titled "The Russian Federation and the Republic of Georgia: A Geographic Perspective on the Conflict." I'm the one with the laptop.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ben is currently a student here at Ohio Northern University. He is majoring in Sport Management with a minor in Applied Statistics, and perhaps Spanish. He really likes his statistics courses... go figure! We (ONU) have a special agreement with the US Department of Treasury to send students to study in Cuba. Ben has been accepted in the program and is going to attend the University of Havana in the Spring. Is that cool or what? (we are NOT a communist family despite my/our background!).
Josh and Homecoming

Josh was elected to the Homecoming Court at Ada High School. He is shown here walking with his "date" Amanda Archer. She was chosen as Queen shortly after this picture was taken. Josh was in the running for Homecoming King, but it went to a sentimental favorite - Trent Bass - whose brother recently died in a car crash. Even though his date was Amanda Archer, he was able to take his girlfriend, Jacks, to the dance later in the evening.
Josh and his girlfriend
My son Josh
Friday, August 8, 2008
The End

Opening ceremony
Friday, August 1, 2008
Our last day in Xi'an
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Student discussions
Famen Buddhist Temple
Xi'an Wall
Arrival Beijing airport
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Xi'an China
Tomorrow, Monday 21 July we leave early in the morning (6 am) for the airport to go to Xi'an Jiaotong University in China to begin a week long visit. Stayed tuned for more pictures and stories.
Graduation entertainment!
Hanyang Summer School Graduation
Sunday, July 13, 2008
ONU students in central Seoul
Thursday, July 10, 2008
DMZ - Civilian Control Line (South)

Visit to DMZ
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Korea's Model UN
As you all know, I am teaching a Model UN course here at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea, this summer. I have a student in my class, Bongwu Han, who is participating in South Korea's version of its national Model UN program. Last week, after class, he told me that he is representing Pakistan, and the issue that he is assigned is "alternative energy in Pakistan." He was VERY nervous because he told me he doesn't know anything about the country or the issue. Well, we met for a long time after class last week so that I could give him advice on Pakistan and alternative energy. Well, I tried to give him advice on how the UN worked in general, on Pakistan, and on what I know about alternative energy, so that he could do the best he could at South Korea's national Model UN meeting. I just found out that he won an award for being one of the top four (out of 300) delegates at the conference and he thanked me for my help. He is now able to go on to a regional Model UN program in the Philippines, and hopefully on to New York City. I am SO proud of him! He worked so hard and I hope I helped him at least a little bit. As teachers, there are a very few times when we feel we have done something to help others, and this really feels good to me!
More news from Seoul
Tomorrow (Thursday, 10 July) ONU students and I are going to visit the South Korean/North Korean de-militarized zone (DMZ). I am excited about it because last year when I was here we did the same trip but it rained so hard and it was so foggy we couldn't see anything. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 90 degrees F and 90% humidity so it'll be nice but bad at the same time! South Korean citizens are not allowed inside the DMZ itself and we have some South Korean students coming with us - so we will see how much we can see. ONU students here are the best we could have sent and I am very proud of them! Time is going so fast and we are almost done with classes. We go to Xian, China on 21 July. Afterwards (28 July) I am going to Hong Kong to see a UN friend for about a week. More with pictures are coming soon!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
News from Seoul
Nothing much to report for the last couple of days. My UN class continues to be a joy to teach. Students actually ask questions about the UN and I have one student who is participating in South Korea's national Model UN program. We met for several hours Friday to talk about strategy. He represents Pakistan and the issue is about alternative energy and economic development. South Korea's Model UN national meeting is four days long here in the capital and ends this coming Monday. I hope he does well and that I could have helped him in any small way. The students here have several Korean students assigned to help them with seeing the sites etc. This year Hanyang has not hired any foreign professors except myself so I have been on my own; taking the subway and buses to see the sites around town. I am getting to know my way around Seoul and am learning Korean out of necessity; can't buy anything in the stores without knowing some of the language!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Model United Nations classes
Since 23 June I have been teaching a course called Model UN here at Hanyang University, located on the north bank of the Han River here in Seoul. I have the second largest enrollment of students attending the summer school here with about 25 students. The largest enrollment this summer is in the Business Statistics class, which is probably understandable. Last year my UN class had by far the largest enrollment probably due to the interest generated by the new Korean Secretary General Ban ki-mun. This year Korean students are understandably more interested in building their skills in international business - "money talks, !@#$% walks!
Food Shopping and Prices

Main Living Area


Like in other Asian countries, there's no bathtub: you use the shower that sprays directly on the floor - most squat down and use the the large "bowl" shown under the sink.
To the left and out of sight in the bathroom is a rather large washing machine with at least a dozen buttons labeled in Korean. I have had to learn the Korean alphabet to do my wash!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Arrival in Korea
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Setting up my first blog
Well, it's about a week before I go to Korea so I thought I would set up a blog to let you all know what's happening while I am in Korea. I will be teaching a class called "Model UN" at Hanyang University in Seoul and then will visit Xian Jiaotong University in central China from 21-28 July. Stay tuned!
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